Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Animal Emergency Preparedness

Dear Journal-

I was watching Animal Planet's Hero's - where they were rescuing animals who were effected by Katrina. I couldn't watch anymore because i'm just too empathic when it comes to Animals. But Anyways, it got me to thinking, that there should be some type of manditory chipping system for all animals who have owners. Something that everyone can afford to get for their pets, in case something happened, be it natural disaster, or whatever else. Then this way, when Animals are rescued, they only need to be scanned and They can be re-united with their owners (providing that they are still on this earth.) The owners, in turn keep their information updated, in some sort of database, that can be updated with other technologies.

The Foundation that I'm currently volenteering at is trying to devise a way to make technology more readily available to those who find themselves in some sort of trouble. A Pack, with the neccisary equipment to get the word out of where they are. Things like solar battery chargers, water filters, and other things. Wireless networks that open immediately once a disaster hits, making internet access to those in need more possible.

What do you think? Am I just spouting off or what? I just wish there was some way I could do more besides sit here and try and think of things to suggest to my supervisors who would suggest it to their supervisors, and so on. What do you think would be good for preparing for a disaster?

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